Spider Talk: Logan Sylve
courtesy of the artist
Chase Contemporary is pleased to announce Spider Talk, a solo exhibition of new paintings by New York-based artist Logan Sylve. Sylve’s work explores the push and pull between what we as people present to the outside world versus the complexity of our internal realities. The exhibition opened on Thursday, October 5th at 413 West Broadway in SoHo with a reception with the artist.
Many of these paintings were created in the gallery’s artist studio, in the lower level of the gallery. Subject matter ranges from complex figurative works to playful renditions of animals against vibrant, primary backgrounds. The presentation places scenes of human social interactions or solitary moments, with all the complexities and nuances of our makeup, in contrast to simple compositions of animals whose existence and intentions are far more straightforward and undefiled. Sylve is interested in the nature of people versus the nature of animals.
Commute, 2023 Acrylic on Canvas 85.50 x 69 in
An example of this intention is the painting Commute (2023, acrylic on canvas, 90 x 76 in), where a black haired figure represents what he believed God looks like, but he changed his mind when realizing the figure looks too much like himself (but it continues to represent a figure of good intentions - a protagonist). The white figure is unknown to the artist, “but he’s around now” says Sylve. This relationship could be representative of balance, and the figures may always exist together - a narrative to be continued in his work. Concentrating his color palette to evoke certain moods, Sylve’s style also incorporates elements of classical Western American imagery and animated cartoons while staying true to anatomical structure, his visual cues to pop culture allowing viewers to find their own points of reference. The attention to anatomy reveals Sylve’s intense study and dedication to his craft, also exposing the fetishization of certain body parts in Western culture while imploring the viewer to question their own relationship with their body and environment.

Courtesy of Chase Contemporary and Logan Syle.
Spider Talk will be on view until October 26th. For more information about Logan’s exhibit please visit Chase Contemptary’s site.