Marina Perez Simão : Solanaceae

Cover of Marina Perez Simão : Solanaceae. 2024. ©Pace Gallery

Working across oil painting, watercolor, and printmaking, Marina Perez Simão is known for her vibrant, lyrical compositions exploring both interior and exterior landscapes.


Marina Perez Simão : Solanaceae. 2024. ©Pace Gallery

Through her practice, she constructs visual journeys into semi-abstract and often unknowable realms made up of organic, undulating forms. Imbued with visions and memories, Simão’s oneiric landscapes reflect her deep and enduring interest in abstraction’s power to convey ideas, concepts, and feelings that transcend language. Solanaceae (meaning "Nightshade") marks Simão’s first-ever solo presentation in Los Angeles and, more broadly, on the West Coast of the United States. With a foreword by Pace Gallery Curatorial Director Kimberly Drew, as well as new text by SCAD Museum of Art Assistant Curator Brittany Richmond, this publication illuminates the fifteen new paintings in the exhibition and situates them within the artist’s evolving practice.


Marina Perez Simão : Solanaceae. 2024. ©Pace Gallery

The works in Solanaceae do not conflict nor compete; they reflect an almost existential investigation, a way of using painting to allow us to linger between becoming and being.
— Kimberly Drew

Marina Perez Simão : Solanaceae. 2024. ©Pace Gallery


Text by Kimberly Drew, Brittany Richmond
Design by Henk van Assen
64 pages
11 ¼ x 9 ½ in.

Marina Perez Simão : Solanaceae. 2024. ©Pace Gallery

These paintings are portals to uncharted territories that bridge the past, present, and future. Ultimately, they teeter between the natural world we know and our wildest imaginations—unlike anything we’ve seen before.
— Brittany Richmond

The book can be ordered here. For more information about other titles from Pace Publishing, visit here; please visit the  Pace Gallery’s website here for more information about past, current, and future exhibits. Pace Gallery can be found on Instagram and Artsy, too.


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